Friday, February 03, 2006

fucking geoff


  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    GOOD great WONDERFUL fantastic DOG cat MOUSE corrie HUH? friday WEEEKEND coffee CIDER puke DREAMS peril LAUGHTER hiccups GASTRIOUS noises SILENT deadly THATS all FOLKS lori

  2. How do you get one of them anyhow?

  3. I was going to put a link on the post yesterday but Blogger was playing up (still is) and I didn't want to risk it. It took me all bloody day to post my next long-winded post and I was just relieved to get that out of the way.

    Anyway, there's one on Urban Chick's blog and one on Trivial Pursuit. I think you're supposed to buy the teeshirt but I'm not walking around with that on. "Here he comes, that effin' Geoff again."
